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CEM-PLAST is premixed plaster designed to provide smooth and compact surfaces both internal and external and is a blend of Portland cement, supplementary cementitious material, selected graded sand and polymer additives in the right proportion for perfect compactness and desired smoothness of the surface.

RMP is silt free and organic content free, graded sand provides best quality durable masonry surfaces with negligible cracks.

Shelf Life

12 months from date of production if stored properly in original, unopened, and undamaged sealed packaging.

Storage Conditions

Store in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C.


1.65 kg/L

Compressive Strength

28 days ~6 N/mm2

Tensile Adhesion Strength

28 days ~0.3 N/mm2

Mixing Ratio

Water: Cem-Plast 6 - 6.4 L: 40 kg (by weight)
Water: Cem-Plast 1: ± 3.5 (by volume)

Layer Thickness

For red brick laying:10 mm (max.thickness 15mm)
For plastering: 10 mm (max. thickness 15 mm)

Ambient Air Temperature

+8 °C to +40 °C

Pot Life

1 hours (at +30 °C)

Waiting Time / Overcoating

As brick adhesive before plaster - after 24 h
As plaster before skim coat - after 7 days


Light brick: ~2.1 m2 per 40 kg bag
(based on 10 mm thickness)
*Depend on substrate surface profile


  • Pour 6 - 6.4 Liter of water into mixing vessel then add Cem-Plast slowly and mix properly
  • Mixing time is ~3 minutes. A slow speed mixer is recommended (300 - 600 rpm)


As Brick Adhesive
  • Apply with a scoop then fix the brick. Proceed to apply while the product is still wet.
  • Waiting time before plaster application minimum 24 hours.
As Plaster
  • Apply with a trowel.
  • Waiting time before skim coat application minimum 7 days.

Cleaning Of Equipment

  • Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use.
  • Hardened / cured material can only be mechanically removed.
  • Graded, silt and organic content free for highly durable plaster.
  • Polymerized Plaster – Performance-enhancing special additives to provide non-sagging during higher thickness applications.
  • Negligible cracks.
  • Less rebound losses leading to minimum wastage.
  • Better adhesion to substrates due to high bonding strength.
  • Ready to mix- only water to be added at the site as per defined water mixing ratio for best performance.
  • Compact plaster – Leading to less permeability to water and enhances the life of a building.
  • High durability.
  • Excellent workability.
  • Uniform and smooth finish to walls due to consistent batch quality making surface ready for tiling, stone fixing and painting.
  • Reduced repair and maintenance cost.
  • Improved paint performance- low putty, primer and paint consumption.
  • Economical – Significant savings in money, time and manpower.
  • Hassle-free storage and material handling – Easy to store and handle equal size packed bags than conventional sand cement mix.

External Plastering, Internal Plastering, Ceiling Plastering, plastering on Red Clay Bricks, Fly Ash Bricks, Concrete Blocks, AAC Light weight Blocks and other types of Light weight Blocks.

Our Brij Additives Ready mix Plaster are compatible with a wide range of substrates, Applying Brij Additives Ready mix Plaster on wall internally, externally and Ceiling.

1. Surface & Wall preparation

The application surface should be rigid, and free oil, grease, paint, loose plaster or any other dirt particles, dampen the wall before application of plaster.

2. Mixing

Pour 6-7 liters of potable water in a clean container and then add 1 bag (40kg) of Brij Additives Ready Mix Plaster. It can be mixed by hand. Use of mechanical mixer or electrical stirrer is recommended for better results. Mixing should be done for 5-10 minutes depending upon the speed of the mixing equipement. Leave the mix to slake for 5-10 min and remix before use.

3. Application

Apply Cem-plast using mortar trowel/ spatula/ aluminium float as done in conventional plaster applications.

For achieving higher thickness above 15mm, it is recommended to apply multiply layers.

4. Curing

In normal climatic condition, Cem plast requires 2-3 times daily curing for 2-3 days after 24 hours of application